Execute PHP files Periodicaly

The question is very easy, I want to execute several php files every "N" minutes. For example:
every N minutes { execute(script1.php) execute(script2.php) execute(script3.php) }
I know about crontab but i was trying to find another solution. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Using a Cron job is the usual solution. Can you explain why you don't want to use CRON? I've also seen libraries that add cron-like features to your system. For example in the Java/Groovy/Grails world there's the Quartz library/plugin. A quick Google search yielded a PHP library called phpJobScheduler that seems similar to Quartz. I have never used phpJobScheduler so I can't vouch for it.
I'd be interested in why you don't want to use crontabs for this? Are you going to be the primary web operations person running this server or will you be relying on an existing sysop team? You may want to get their input since they are the ones who will be most impacted by what method you choose. I've found they tend to be fond of cron for simple scheduling.
