Why does this code using random strings print “hello world”?

The following print statement would print "hello world". Could anyone explain this?
System.out.println(randomString(-229985452) + " " + randomString(-147909649));
And randomString() looks like this:
public static String randomString(int i)
    Random ran = new Random(i);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    while (true)
        int k = ran.nextInt(27);
        if (k == 0)

        sb.append((char)('`' + k));

    return sb.toString();


When an instance of java.util.Random is constructed with a specific seed parameter (in this case -229985452 or -147909649), it follows the random number generation algorithm beginning with that seed value.
Every Random constructed with the same seed will generate the same pattern of numbers every time.
